Path to Eagle
Well done! You have made a long journey to this point. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have acheived. But wait - don't rest yet! You still have some work to do to complete the requirements for Eagle. First things first - if you haven't already, reach out to your troop's Eagle Coach and Scoutmaster. They are there to help guide you and answer any questions. Notifying them that you are ready to get started on your Eagle is an important first step.
Troop 332 Life-to-Eagle Coordinator: Mr. Jonathan Jacobs |
Eagle Project
Your Eagle Project is how you show your service to others. The project itself must benefit a non-profit non-BSA outside organization. Reach out to your school leaders, community leaders, religious leaders, or other leaders of non-profit organizations and see if they have a project that fulfills the requirements. Remember to think of variables like time of year and weather, availability of help, length of project, material availabiity and other items that could effect the completion of your project.
Document everything! Take photos of the project, of the work in action, and fill out your Eagle workbook completely. To get the most recent fillable PDF of the workbook go to:
The Project Proposal must be filled out and approved by myself, the scoutmaster, and council before you can begin. Contact info for our council rep can be found here:
When you have completed your project and the rest of the project workbook, don't forget to fill out the Application for Eagle no later than 2 weeks before your 18th birthday.
Board of Review
Your Eagle BOR is a little different than the previous rank BORs. This one is scheduled and held with members of the Green Mountain Council. It can happen after your 18th birthday, so don't stress as long as you have completed all of the above before 18. Your EBOR is usually scheduled 2-6 weeks after they receive and accept your application for Eagle. Sometimes it takes longer, especially during the holidays or due to bad weather. Once your EBOR is scheduled your troop adult leaders will help you prepare for this by holding a mock EBOR a week prior. While it already should be, make sure you have the complete uniform (including sash with MBs sewn on) ready to go. The neatness of your uniform and yourself makes a great first impression to the members of your EBOR.
Court of Honor
Your Eagle Court of Honor is held separate from the regular troop COH. Coordination of this event is lead by the Eagle Scout and their families and the troop leaders will coordinate with you. ECOHs often take place in the evening and some refreshments are provided by the family(ies) of the Eagle Scouts.
This is a time to celebrate not only your accomplishments, but also those who helped get you there. But mostly to celebrate you! You will be asked to give a short speech about a mentor who helped you along the way.
What's next?
As an Eagle Scout you can continue scouting in lots of ways. If you aren't 18 yet, you can continue to earn palms for scouting achievments. You can become an assistant scoutmaster if you are 18 or older. You can go on to become a Venture or Sea Scout.