Merit Badges
Merit Badges are an important part of Scouting, allowing you to fine tune skills in something you know how to do or to learn something new. They also help you get a better understanding of your role in your community, the nation, and the world.
Part of the requirements of achieving Eagle are that you must complete at least 21 Merit Badges. There are 14 specific Eagle required badges. BSA Summer Camps are a great place to earn many of them. We are also fortunate enough to have several badges you can work on with our own adult leaders who have chosen to be Merit Badge Counselors.
For a complete list go to: and click on Merit Badges A-Z. There are also some great tips and guides for earning them. If there is one you want to do that does not have a counselor listed, check with your Scoutmaster and they will help you figure it out.
Below you will find a list of Merit Badge Counselors within our troop and the Merit Badges they sponsor. (An asterisk * denotes an Eagle Required MB.)