Troop 332 Merit Badge Process
Advancement Chair: Mr. Jonathan Jacobs |
What is the Merit Badge process?
Here is the process for Troop 332 scouts:
- Decide on the Merit Badge you want to earn.
- Choose a counselor from the list of Merit Badge counselors.
- Send an email to the MB counselor and cc the scoutmaster (currently Mr. Gilliam).
- The MB counselor will send you a PDF of the merit badge book and an electronic worksheet, and the scoutmaster will be cced.
- Depending on the Merit Badge and the counselor, you may or may not meet in person as you work through the various requirements.
- Once you have completed all of the requirements, email the MB counselor and cc the scoutmaster.
- Once your MB counselor has approved the completion of the merit badge, the MB counselor will notify you and the scoutmaster.
- You must notify the advancement coordinator (currently Mr. Jacobs). Please cc the scoutmaster.
- At the next Court of Honor you will receive your Merit Badge.
- If you haven’t already, buy a Merit Badge sash at
They come in two lengths: 30 inches and 36 inches. Personally, I find the 30 inch sash plenty long.
Does BSA require Merit Badges to be earned in a particular order?
No, but some Merit Badges are easier than others. number of Eagle-required Merit Badge requirements will be completed during troop activities and Merit Badge Days, which effects their difficulty. The higher the ranking, the more work outside of Scouting you’ll likely need to do to complete the badge. However, just because a badge is difficult, doesn’t mean it won’t also be fun!
First Aid: 6Citizenship in the Community: 8Citizenship In Society: 4Citizenship in the Nation: 6Citizenship in the World: 5Communication: 8Cooking: 7Personal Fitness: 7Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving: 5, 6Environmental Science or Sustainability: 7, 8Personal Management: 9Swimming or Hiking or Cycling: 4, 9 and 9Camping: 6Family Life: 6 number of Eagle-required Merit Badge requirements will be completed during troop activities and Merit Badge Days, which effects their difficulty. The higher the ranking, the more work outside of Scouting you’ll likely need to do to complete the badge. However, just because a badge is difficult, doesn’t mean it won’t also be fun!
First Aid: 6Citizenship in the Community: 8Citizenship In Society: 4Citizenship in the Nation: 6Citizenship in the World: 5Communication: 8Cooking: 7Personal Fitness: 7Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving: 5, 6Environmental Science or Sustainability: 7, 8Personal Management: 9Swimming or Hiking or Cycling: 4, 9 and 9Camping: 6Family Life: 6
How do I earn Merit Badges that there aren't any Troop MB counselors for?
There are multiple opportunities to earn merit badges. Besides the ones we work on within our troop, there are multiple Merit Badge days held around the state that the Green Mountain Council offers, we can reach out to other local troops and utilize some of their MB counselors, and one of the best places to get them done is at summer camp, especially Eagle required merit badges. Make sure you read troop emails and pay attention at meetings when these events are announced. Also check the home page of this website!
If there is a merit badge you want to do but can't find a counselor for, ask a troop leader, or ask your parents, older siblings, or community members. They can become merit badge counselors usually in fields they may have expertise in. They just need to reach out to a Troop leader who can help get them signed up for the correct training.